How Do You Remove The Old Dirt Bike Graphics Before Installing New Ones?
If you have been riding your dirt bike for quite some time, it is likely, various things might happen. Your old graphics may become dull or you might require new ones. Either way, learning how to properly set up dirt bike graphics is crucial. Once you prefer to discover more information about dirt bike graphics, you have to navigate to site.
You recently bought the 150 Graphics Kit. Are you trying to make your bike an additional spark? If yes, you have surely made the right decision. Before installing the new designs on your bike, make sure you get rid of any previous ones.
If you think that it is easy to remove graphics, then you're mistaken. This task can be more challenging than installing new graphics for some people. This section will assist you to learn the easiest way of getting rid of all the graphics and stickers on your bicycle.
Why is it that removing old bike graphics is So Expensive?
The plastics used for printing designs on bikes are more likely get baked if placed in the sun for prolonged periods. This makes it nearly impossible to remove the stickers from their edges. This leaves us with the question, how do you take off old graphics when their edges become stuck to the bike's surface. This question will be answered in greater detail in the following section.
How do you remove dirt bike images from bikes?
Step 1: Find your hairdryer. If you don't own one, borrow one from your friend or purchase a new one. It's impossible to accomplish the job without a hairdryer.
Step 2: Turn on the dryer. Keep the dryer on high and place it about 1 inch away from the graphics. Use the dryer to apply heat to the sticker for about 30 seconds. The old sticker shouldn't be too hot. The excessive heat could cause the paint to become less durable.
Step 3: Dispose of the credit card. The card can be used to grab the edge of the sticker. Continue lifting the sticker until it falls off. If you're still not able to get rid of the sticker, apply more heat to the region. After 30 seconds of applying heat Repeat the process with the card. This time, you shouldn't be able to peel the sticker off.
Step 4: After you've removed the sticker, you'll most likely have some glue sticking to the bike's surface. Take off the glue with the solution you made by mixing alcohol with water. Allow the area to dry up and you are now ready to begin the installation of the brand new dirt bike graphics.
If you feel that these steps are too complex and time-consuming, you can engage an expert to handle all the work on your behalf. To make your bike more distinct look The professional will put on the stickers.